Old Car Tow Away Service in Canberra
Announcement ID: #209268
Published on 06-27-2023
See all ads from primecarsremoval
Prompt and Free Old Car Tow Away Service in & Arou
17 Berghofer Court Charnwood ACT 2615
Phone: 0452262880
17 Berghofer Court Charnwood ACT 2615
Phone: 0452262880
Is your old, junk car bleeding fuel? Or is it that the car you use has become more of a liability than an asset? Is it that you are planning to purchase a new car but the old car, is occupying your garage area?If so, a ‘cash for old car removal service’ is the need of the hour!
Are you in and around Canberra?
What other name can you think of than…
Prime Cars Removal??
Indeed, we are the most vetted names offering free tow away service for old, junk cars for handsome cash…RIGHT ON SPOT! We also offer an eco-friendly recycling service!!
Just call us and we will use software tools to calculate the precise price you deserve for your old car!
Just oblige to our quote and we will be right there, with the promised amount!
No failed promise! No waiting! No cumbersome paperwork! No detaile
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