online Mimosa hostilis (jurema) root bar
Announcement ID: #193921
Published on 11-25-2020
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150.00 A$
online Mimosa hostilis (jurema) root bark powder for sale (contains DMT)The fern-like branches have leaves that are Mimosa-like, finely pinnate, growing up to 5 cm long. Each composite sheet contains 15-33 pairs of bright green leaflets 5-6 mm long. The tree grows up to 8 m in height [3] and can reach 4 to 5 m in height in less than 5 years. The white and fragrant flowers occur in vaguely cylindrical spikes 4-8 cm long. In the northern hemisphere it blooms and produces fruit from November to June or July. In the southern hemisphere it flowers mainly from September to January. The fruit is fragile and averages 2.5-5 cm long. Each pod contains 4-6 seeds that are oval, flat, light brown and 3-4 mm in diameter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the fruit ripens from February to April. The bark of