Announcement ID: #201397
Published on 06-09-2022
See all ads from Hilltopcaring


Hilltop Caring
Suite 6,88 Brandl Street
Eight Mile Plains
Phone: 0730960088


Hilltop Caring offers a wide range of flexible NDIS disability support services such as core supports, capacity-building, community nursing and community access services. We also offer independent living, short-term and medium-term NDIS accommodation options for people of all abilities throughout Greater Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. We’re particularly passionate about capacity building and NDIS mental health supports, because we love to see our participants thrive and have a meaningful connection with people around them. As human beings, no matter what our abilities might be, it’s that social engagement and participation that helps us understand ourselves and others better and develops our sense of self-esteem.
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