
3 bedroom house in marston living room has window each end. kitchen can fit table and chairs utility room seperate wc bathroom with over head shower up stairs 2 good size bedrooms 1 smallest Gch Dg front garden with drive back gardren enclosed good neighbours. room size s are Bed 1 12 x 11 ft Bed 2 11x 9 ft Bed3 8 x 9 ft Kitchen 14 x 9 ft Unitity 6 x 9 ft Living Room 18 x 12 ft Bathroom 6 x 6 ft Toilet 3 x 5 ft Front Garden 50 x 26 ft Back Garden 42 x 25 ft we are with oxford city council r.t.b. Looking For 3 or 4 with dinning room to use as a bedroom for my daughter and baby house only please in northwaymarstonheadingtonplease call oxford 01865 421265 or 07881845173 need to move before april 08

Announcement ID: #120720
Published on 03-22-2008


  • Type of sale:
    A la Compra
  • Estado:
