For sale:brand new unlocked Iphone 4s & Ipad 3(Wi-Fi+4G)
Announcement ID: #181153
Published on 09-14-2012
See all ads from mscommunicationltd
- Type of sale:Delivery
- Estado:NEW
450.00 £
We provide convenient, cost-effective way to purchase your cell phone. you email us and obtain information about the latest products at a very competitive price.APPLE IPHONE
Apple IPhone 4S 16GB ...........$350USD
Apple IPhone 4S 32GB...........$400USD
Apple IPhone 4S 64GB ...........$450USD
Apple iphone 4G 32Gb ...........$350usd
Apple Iphone 4G 16Gb ...........$300usd
Apple Iphone 4G 64Gb............$400Usd
Apple New Ipad 3 64Gb ,32Gb & 16Gb (Wi-Fi)+4G Black & White
Apple Tablet iPad 2 64GB (Wi-Fi + 3G) …..$350usd
Apple Tablet iPad 2 32GB (Wi-Fi + 3G) ….$300usd
Apple Tablet iPad 2 16GB (Wi-Fi + 3G)…..$250usd
Apple iPad 32GB…..$200usd
Cantact for others product
NOTE: These phones is 100% UNLOCKED and can be used with any SIM card. No
activation required (check carrier frequency requirements)
Insert Your SIM CARD and start using the phone,many more in stock.
Shipping Method: UPS / FedEx / DHL / EMS couries service
Delivery time: within 2 working days
Return Policy: You may return the item within (60) days of delivery of the order.
Place your order today and have a taste of our services.
All buyers can contact us via E-mail address which is itemized below:
MSN Contact:
Gmail contact:
Yahoo Contact:
Skype ID: mscommunicationltd
ICQ : 633861064
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