Happy cats, happy owners. Feline conduct
In this book, the veterinary one Santiago Garcia Caraballo reviews the pecularities of behavior of the domestic cats to explain the most frequent inconveniences of conduct: to mark the territory with the urine, to meow for the nights, to leave the marks of its claws in the tapestry, did not want to eat or to be shown aggressive with the people or with other cats. For it it is supported in years of practical experience in its own consultation and in real examples in order to helping to analyze the causes, to seek solutions and to modify these behaviors done not desire. TiendAnimal is a store online for all the mascots, visits our Web and discovers but of 2000 accessories for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish and reptiles we are direct importers of hundreds of new features. info@tiendanimal.es www.tiendanimal.es Tiendanimal.com S.C. CIF G-92768944 C/Benadalid nº 50. Pol. Ind. La Estrella 29006 Málaga. SPAIN Tlf. +34 902104920.-+34 952360011 Fax +34 952627187
Announcement ID: #52051
Published on 10-31-2007
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- Type of sale:A la Compra
- Estado:Excellent