Water clarifier B-Clear Nutrafin
It is a biological purifier of water of rapid action that eliminates the turbidez of the water in less than 24-48 hours, it works of effective form only on the organic matter and contains 100 % of vegetable enzymes. B-Clear is totally biodegradable, is completely sure for all kinds of fish, plants and organism(organisation) aquatic, does not damage the material of the filter, really it cleans them if it is obstructed and can be used in aquariums of sweet and salty water. Products Hagen - German quality 118 ml - 6.50 EUR For but information on this product it visits our page Web www.tiendanimal.es TiendAnimal is a store online for all the mascots, visits our Web and discovers but of 2000 accessories for dogs, cats, rodents, birds, fish and reptiles we are direct importers of hundreds of new features. info@tiendanimal.es www. tiendanimal.es Tien danimal.com. CIF G-92768944 C/Benadali d nº 50. Pol. Ind. La Estrella 29006 Málaga. SPAIN Tlf. +34 902104920.-+34 952360011 Fax +34 952627187
Announcement ID: #61692
Published on 10-29-2007
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- Type of sale:A la Compra
- Estado:Excellent