
Description: We are accredited dealers on all brand new and used models of Mobile phones, Video Game Consoles, Ipods at cheap price with complete accessories. We are good / great in selling to bulks buyers and also individuals buyers. We have all the items available for sale now, if you are interested in purchasing any one of them, kindly send us an email with your enquiries to the company email address below: E-mail: CO NTACT NAME: Hareeb Qwam All the items are brand new with one year warranty and 6 months return policy. Iphone product: Apple iPhone 4GB (Unlocked) ......... ..$250usd Apple iPhone 8GB (Unlocked) ............$280usd Apple iPhone 16GB (Unlocked) ...........$300usd Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Pink M9435LL/A .....$50usd Apple 40 GB iPod photo...................$ 50usd Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Silver M9160LL/A....$60usd Apple 60 GB iPod Photo M9830LL/A.........$80usd Apple 60 GB iPod photo...................$70usd Apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A.........$60usd Apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player.....$50usd Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A......$55usd Apple 2 GB iPod Nano.....................$70u sd Apple 4 GB iPod Nano.....................$80usd App le 30 GB iPod Vidoe............... . $120usd Apple 60 GB iPod Vidoe................ .$170usd Apple 80 GB iPod Vidoe..................$ 220usd Nokia product: Nokia N96 16gb..........................$350usd Nokia N95 8gb........................ ...$300usd Nokia N95................. ..............$270us d Nokia N93i......................... .....$250usd Noki a N93.............................. $240usd Nokia N92........................ ..... .$210usd Nokia N91.............................. $200usd Nokia N90...................... .........$190usd Nokia N80............................... $180usd Nokia N76.................... ...........$170usd Nokia N75............................. ..$160usd Nokia N73.................. .............$150usd Nokia N70...... .................... ....$145usd Nokia N61...............................$130u sd Nokia N60......................... ......$110usd Nok ia E80...............................$10 0usd Nokia E70....................... ........$95usd No kia E60...............................$9 0usd Nokia 770 Table.........................$150usd Nokia 8800(Black).................... ...$210usd Nokia 8800(Gold).......... ..............$220us d Nokia 8800 soricco................. .....$250usd Sony ericsson product: Sony ericsson w950i.....................$290usd sony erisson w910i.................... .$270usd Sony ericsson w900 .....................$250usd sony ericsson w850i.................. ...$220usd Sony ericsson w850 .....................$210us d Sony ericssson w800i ...................$200usd Sony ericsson w600 .....................$190 usd Sony ericcson p990 .....................$170usd So ny ericsson p910i ....................$1 60usd Sony ericsson p900 .....................$145usd Sony ericsson p800 ..................... $140usd Sony ericssson k800i ...................$130usd Sony ericssson k790i ...................$110usd Sony ericssson k750i....................$100usd Sony ericcson k500i ....................$95usd GAMES CONSOLES: Play station 3 80GB Europe version for. $250usd Play station 3 60GB Us version for..... $220usd Play station 3 Japan Version for... ....$190usd Xbox 360.................. ..............$210us d XBOX GAMES Xbox 360 Platinum System cos $170usd Xbox 360 Core System Bundle.............$150 usd Xbox 360 System Bundle. .. .............$140usd Ni ntendo Wii Console................... $200usd All the items are brand new with one year warranty and a 6 months return policy. Note:If you are interested in purchasing any particular item from us, kindly send to us an email with your enquiries to the company email address below: E-mail: choiceelect@hotmail. com Contact Name: Hareeb Qwam Discount Mobile phones, Video Games Consoles and Ipods for sale

Announcement ID: #137986
Published on 06-16-2008
See all ads from choiceelect


  • Type of sale:
    A la Compra
  • Estado:
300.00 C$
