
The Web Academy are experts training IT. SAP HR is a global Human Resources management system solution, with HR, payroll and time management capability including standard language, currency and regulatory requirements for more than 30 countries. This SAP HR Training course not only prepares you for the certification exam but also help?s you in elevating your skill from scratch to implementation level and finally impress on job. Our Tutors have many years of experience, fully trained and certified on the latest released versions. They offer a prevailing combination of specific hands-on industry experience, application knowledge, technology expertise with strong project management skills Click on this link: ter.php (copy link in new browser) Call: +001-7183605937 admin@thewebacademy .com... website: What makes us unique? ? Live Tutor Training Online ? No software to install, no hardware to buy ? No previous IT experience is required ? No need to travel ? Quite cost effective on price. ? No need to travel ? The best and highly experienced tutors. ? training based on mini project and real time case studies ? Record session whilst training and use for your future reference. ? We provide remote access support. The bottom line is, we assure you quality training and to experience this quickly book a demo session with the tutor. email: . Web:

Announcement ID: #146902
Published on 09-30-2009
See all ads from stevegill


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200.00 C$
