Announcement ID: #194768
Published on 06-11-2023
See all ads from Babakagolo


Baba Kagolo
Yukon Territory
Yukon Territory
Yukon Territory
Phone: 0672740459
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry
  • Estado:
37.00 C$


I am clairvoyant. I call upon the unseen force to tune into your frequency and pick up your thoughts. But I cannot act until you call upon me. Only then can I connect with your electrical and nervous systems. Only then can I call upon the powers of White Magic to work on your behalf. +27672740459,

"Here is what you must do! Concentrate on the one thing you want me to do. Is it money you need to help you through a difficult period? Is it a lack of affection in your life that makes you feel unloved, taken for granted? Is there a problem that needs to be fixed right now?"
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