bull dog puppies for adoption
they are all A.K.C reg. She is free for limited reg 5 persons for Full registration. Shipping area USA, Canada and any other if really need arise. The mom is white and weighs 60 lbs. The dad is black and weighs 65 lbs. Both Parents have great temperaments. This will be a litter of very large pups. They will be a k c registered. All of jades puppies will come with A K C registration application, 1 year health guarantee, age appropriate vaccinations, de-worming, tails docked, dew claws removed by a vet, Vet certified health Certificate. We ask for just faithful persons to contact us. 8 weeks old. Shipping one day prior. Please call. or e-mail me: suzieben00@gmail.com
Announcement ID: #146202
Published on 07-29-2009
See all ads from suzieben00
- Type of sale:A la Compra
- Estado:Excellent