Announcement ID: #195898
Published on 10-19-2023
See all ads from Babakagolo


Baba Kagolo
Manitoba City
Phone: 27672740459
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry
  • Estado:
20.00 C$


This spell is designed to penetrate the mind of your antagonist, implanting the seeds of doubt, a loss of self-confidence, and perhaps most importantly, the fear that if they don't stop hassling you, they will suffer grave consequences.

Request the Kagolo Ultimate Revenge spell, if:
Someone is out to get you and they must be stopped.
Their actions are causing you stress and anxiety, and you are worried this could affect your health.
Their actions are taking you away from the pleasures of enjoying life to the fullest.
This person is bitter and angry, and you need a powerful force on your side to neutralize or defeat them.
You want the seeds of destruction planted deep within their psyche so their ultimate course in life will lead to failure.

If some or all of the above describes your si
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