Announcement ID: #195565
Published on 08-31-2023
See all ads from masstsang


Mass Tsang
5075 Yonge Street, Suite 501
Phone: 4167811148
100.00 C$


Mass Tsang LLP offers years of experience with DUI and criminal defense cases. This team of criminal lawyers provides support in a number of practice areas, including theft and fraud, drug possession, assault, impaired driving, DUI and other types of traffic violations. Based in Toronto, the firm offers free initial consultations to all new clients. Prospective clients who need emergency legal help can contact the firm any time of the day or night. A legal professional will meet with you as quickly as possible, including meeting you at a police station. The team at Mass Tsang is composed of criminal lawyers and other legal professionals who have successfully defended clients for all sorts of charges. Help will be on the way.
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Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario, M2N