TIF to HTML Conversion Software
We are happy to inform all who are working on HTML Tagging Project that we have a software for converting TIF file to HTML Files. Using this you can convert 10, 000 files per day. Tagging can be done with 100% accuracy. Image is superimposed on back of text for 100% effective proof reading. We provide the database of special characters also which will help you to reach 100% accuracy. We can process 10, 000 files per day. Tagging is done with 100% accuracy. Coversion takes 3 sec per file. Superimposition takes 2 sec per file. Tagging takes 0.5 sec per file. If you are having problems with fraud and cheating with your vendors, we can help you in this. We will give main client details to all our clients. You can contact the main clients and get timely payouts. Main client pays 50rs per page for above 90% accuracy. For more details, send us sample files ( 1 to 5) and see the accuracy of our software. We can assure that you will be satisfied with our service. We will give reference centers all over India who are availing our service. Thanks, Arifuddin Sheik Phone :+91-8341135255 Visakhapatna m, Andhra Pradesh AD ID : ADS475
Announcement ID: #172561
Published on 06-25-2011
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- Type of sale:A la Compra
- Estado:Excellent