Announcement ID: #179886
Published on 03-13-2013
See all ads from Martin-Groendot


  • Type of sale:
  • Estado:
1.00 €


Mr. and Mrs. you who are looking to make a loan of money between individuals to fill cope with financial difficulties to finally break the deadlock that cause banks. You are on file, and prohibited bank you do not favor banks or you better have a project and need financing, bad credit or need money to pay bills, to invest funds on business. I am an individual operator and I grant loans to private short and long term from 2000 to 500,000 euros to anyone serious, reliable and honest wishing to make a loan. My interest rate varies from 2.2% to 3.2% per year depending on the amount and duration of loan repayment of funds as being particularly I do not want to violate the usury law. You can pay in 5 to 20 years maximum depending on the amount borrowed.
Is not a bank, I do not require much documents. My terms are very simple, affordable and my transactions are really reliable. So if you are in need, do not hesitate to contact me by email for more information.
