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Yamaha R6 2009 year
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2 000.00 NZ$
Yamaha R6 2009 year11700 meter, or about 10900 real km (15 gear) / / no
expected costs / very healthy motorcycle / / engine 100% origin / master
cylinder Brembo PR19 with foldable lever / avitation Goodridge hoses
/ Racing Motoholders spider / half handlebars PP Tuning / fairing Flam
Racing / bubble Fabbri / protection engine, framework & arm swing
carbon / 15 (original) sprocket 16 / Train Pirelli Superbike (wear
20% AR, 30% AV) / suspensions set by TRP / tighten to the torque of
sensitive parts / drain all 4 rolling (Motul 300V 10W40 &)
filter origin) / systematic use of platelet origin.
Available maintenance history / / similar models: