How much does Peacock TV cost?
Peacock Free is, well, as the name suggests, free, but it relies on ads to keep the service at no cost.Peacock Premium—which is still an ad-supported version of the platform—costs $4.99/monthly. Or, you can opt for an annual membership that costs $49.99 per year.Finally, Premium Plus costs $9.99 per month and—thankfully!—offers everything you can get with Premium, only with significantly fewer ads. If you already have Peacock Premium, you can upgrade to Premium Plus for an additional $5/monthly or an additional $50 per year. The annual membership for Premium Plus costs $100/year. The third and final tier of Peacock TV is Premium Plus, which unlocks everything that Premium does—only with fewer ads. If you're looking for (mostly) ad-free TV, then Peacock Premium Plus is deWeb page: