Earn up to Rs.40, 000/- PM through simple online copy/paste work.
Earn up to Rs. 40, 000 per month through simple online copy/paste work.100% Legitimate, Genuine & Scam Free Online Copy/Paste Jobs. Work at Home in your spare time. ID-RS02GNX3044 -No work load, No Time Limit. Submit the work in your convenient time. -You can work anytime from your home. Get paid Rs. 1/- to Rs. 5/- per copy/paste. Please email us at info@dataentrygujarat.com or visit www.dataentrygujarat .com for more details. Work as much as you can. Work available worldwide. Hurry Up Limited seats available. Candidate should have basic knowledge of computer.
Announcement ID: #149853
Published on 02-24-2010
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- Type of sale:A la Compra
- Estado:Excellent