
1, 50, 000 EVERY MONTH: Excellent telecom & insurance back office form filling process work for those interested in working for leading Multinational Companies in India. Earn up to Rs 1, 50, 000 per month. Affordable One-Time registration fees & a small deposit is ALL you need to pay. Direct Signup withClient & Training Provided. Knowledge of Computers, English & Internet Surfing is all that is required. We have more than 300 seats working on this excellent process since last 1.5 years. Special discount for mass-booking of seats & call centers. Get in touch with your individual or company profile on dataprocessmumbai.signup@yahoo.c om. Use discount code no. (rs05gnx3045) while applying.Location : AHMEDABAD, India.keywords: Jobs, Work, Insurance, Telecom, Home, Computer, Earn, Data-Entry, Entry, DataCategory: Service, Job wanted, Business, Business opportunity

Announcement ID: #153344
Published on 05-14-2010
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