Announcement ID: #226684
Published on 10-14-2020
See all ads from orientalgroup


Elhoucine ait L
N ° 200 Lot El Massar, Route de Safi 40 100 Marrak
New York
New York
Phone: 0600604387
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry
  • Estado:
1.00 $


Cypress Essential Oil:

Cypress Essential oil is produced from the cypress tree; there are multiple types of cypress tree available, bonsai cypress, cypress pine, African cypress and many more. One particular type of cypress tree is also known as the Christmas tree. Cypress oil is produced from the needle-like leaves and flowers of a cypress tree.

Cypress Oil helps in reducing respiratory problems and helps in fighting infections. Cypress oil is used in perfumes, diffusers, soap, shampoo and medicines. Cypress is a common ingredient when it comes to the healthcare industry.

BioProGreen Morrocco is a company specializing in the production and export of organic cosmetics like Argan oil, essentials and vegetable oils, black soap, natural soap, clay, kassa glove, floral water and many more
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