Announcement ID: #226686
Published on 10-14-2020
See all ads from orientalgroup


Elhoucine ait L
N ° 200 Lot El Massar, Route de Safi 40 100 Marrak
New York
New York
Phone: 0600604387
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry
  • Estado:
1.00 $


Avocado Oil
Avocados are super healthy and rich in good fats and antioxidants. Just like the fruit, the extracted oil is rich in nutrients and fats as well. The oil is basically extracted from the pulp of the avocado which is full of oleic acid. The oil has high smoke point which makes it the best option for high-heat cooking. Avocado oil is considered to be one of the healthiest food choices due to its quality taste and health benefits.
It contains 12% saturated fats and 13% polyunsaturated fats. Moreover, the oil also helps to reduce the blood cholesterol level thus preventing various harmful heart diseases. It also consists of an important carotenoid “Lutein” which protects our eyes from cataracts and muscular degeneration. Unsaponifiables found in the oil of avocados have fo
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