
Oracle BPM Training at SMC will help you understand the complete BPM Development Life Cycle using BPM Components Participants will get hands on experience by building a Sample Application using BPM. The trainers would be demonstrating numerous small examples which will help you understand the concepts of BPM. Participants will also get to understand how Oracle Application is using BPM in their Fusion Applications. Training would focus and ensure that the participants are comfortable using BPM for software Development.

Training Duration
4 Weeks
Who Can Benefit
Business Analysts

Course Content
Architectural Overview
Components of OBPM
Working with Studio
Building the Basic Process
Introducing Processes
Using Studio to Model a Process
The Anatomy of a Process
OBPM Flow Elements
BPM Modeling Elements
Global Activities
Using Variables
Overview of Variables Within an OBPM Process
Scopes and Types of Variables
Mapping Variables
Process Business Language (PBL) Basics
Language Basics
Interacting with Users
Control Flow
Transition Logic
Debugging Your Code
Using Roles and Participants
Organization Basics
Organizational Elements
Using the WorkSpace to Test a Process
Overview of the WorkSpace
WorkSpace Panels and Settings
The Effect of Roles and Permissions in the WorkSpace
Using the WorkSpace to Test a Process
Building Screenflows
Overview of Screenflows
Creating a Screenflow
Mapping Data To and From a Screenflow
Using BPM Objects
Introducing BPM Objects
Using Object Attributes, Methods, and Presentations
Creating a BPM Object
Creating a Presentation
Creating a BPM Object Containing a Group
Displaying and Testing
Using Submit and Cancel Effectively
Using Split and Multiple Gateways
Overview of the Split-Join Circuit
Creating a Split Gateway
Releasing Copies
Overview of the Multiple-Join Circuit
Creating a Multiple Gateway
Multiple Gateway Performance Issues
Using Subprocesses
Calling a Subprocess
Creating a Subprocess
Using Dynamic Subprocesses
Creating a Dynamic Subprocess
Handling Exceptions: the Basics
OBPM Exception Handling
Working With Exceptions
Exception Handler Flows
Integrating Database Components
Database Integration: The Mechanics
Working with Embedded SQL
Displaying Database Data
Coding Dashboards
Overview of Dashboards
Coding Dashboards
Creating Drill Down Dashboards
Server-Side/Client-Side Issues


Level 2,
The Oval Building, ILabs Centre,
Hi-Tech City, Madhapur,
Hyderabad – 500081,
Email :

Contact : Mr. Rajesh

India : +91.80 19490782
USA : +1.650.585.2312

Announcement ID: #203422
Published on 07-27-2015
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Instructor Led Live Online BPM Training
