Announcement ID: #242200
Published on 07-12-2022
See all ads from shanjoytours


Shanjoy Tours and Safaris
Mugumo Park, Kikuyu Road, Kikuyu,Kenya
Phone: 254723086862


Nowhere else in the world will you get a better sense of the cycle of life than with Masai Mara Safari Packages. Camping, game drives, bird watching, ballooning, bush dinners, visits to nearby Masai cultural villages, and photography are all options. Shanjoy Tours will ensure your Safari is forever memorable with their extremely affordable Masai Mara Tour Package, escorted by expert tour guides. The Masai Mara National Reserve is a world-renowned jewel of wildlife viewing in Kenya, located in the valleys of The Great Rift Valley and bordering Tanzania. Our support Hotline is available all day long.
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