Announcement ID: #209696
Published on 10-07-2017
See all ads from grcsystems


grcsystems pune
Dagade Farm Road Pisoli Pune 411060
Phone: 9922022229
  • Type of sale:
    Delivery / Carry
  • Estado:
500.00 $


Modular Vs. Custom Office Furniture

While investing in furniture remember that it is a long-term commitment. Depending on your space and taste you can select Modern or Custom Furniture. Both the furniture types have their pros and cons, and one should understand them before making a choice.
Modular furniture gives you infinite design options. It is easily reconfigurable and can accommodate your evolving needs in an instant. Custom furniture, on the other hand, is rigid. Once placed, it cannot be moved or rearranged.
To connect with best-in-town office furniture manufactures
Modular furniture allows optimum space management. For example, you could use the cubicle walls for file storage, desks as whiteboards for jotting down the to-do list, panels to note down minutes of the meeting. Isn’t
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